: : family summer colorado photography session with tash! : :

Can I tell you how much I love this family? I LOVE THEM. They were so wonderfully fun, full of smiles, ready to explore, and just a blast to work with. They were up for checking everything out at the Bear Creek Colorado nature center where we had our photoshoot, and were just so laid back and ready to go wherever! (Including laying in some very thick grass.. which made for awesome vibrant photos!).. Also – something that’s over rated (in my opinion) when planning a photoshoot – is the amount of stress mama spends on figuring clothing out! This mama was stressing a little, saying that her daughter LOVES outlandish, crazy patterns and mixing things up. That’s her style! She was stressing that they wouldnt be coordinated, and then mama and I had a conversation – I told her, ya know what? That’s your daughter in all of her beautiful glory. Let her be herself! Let her pick her crazy fun outfit! And you and your son coordinate with whatever she picks. And she said, whew! You’re right! I want to remember her like this, doing exactly what she does… and, folks… dont they just look marvelous! Here are a few of my favorites:

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